I have been a home inspector in Vancouver for several years now and have seen the results that clandestine drug labs can have on a property. This is just one of the tell-tale signs that you may be unsuspectingly investing in a ‘drug-lab’. While this comes from an American government site, the signs and dangers are the same in Canada. If you are not using a local home inspector to inspect your purchase, please be aware that there are significant dangers in buying a former ‘drug-lab’ or ‘grow-op’ (please see my previous post    http://stonegate-home-inspections.com/blog/marijuana-grow-op-identification-home-inspection-vancouver-port-coquitlam-coquitlam-port-moody-and-maple-ridge/  for marijuana grow operation identification hints)

The following link is related to Meth Labs and discusses visible signs of Methamphetamine production on propane cylinders, a commonly used vessel in the production of Methamphetamine.


Stonegate Home Inspections Ltd offers competitive pricing and quality home inspections and commercial inspections throughout Vancouver and the lower mainland. If you suspect that you are investing in a former grow-op or meth lab, please call Stonegate Home Inspections Ltd. We will come out to provide professional advice and a clear report on findings as well as recommendations for correction of any problems found within the property.


“Please note that while my blogs may offer links to individuals or companies, it is the readers’ responsibility to do their own due diligence when choosing to accept these links. Stonegate Home Inspections Ltd and its’ officers and employees do not receive referral fees or other kick-backs from these links or recommendations for service from the suppliers.”

